I found old notes from different sources to be a goal for the New Year 2017.
There is a certain 'feel' to a healing energy or a vibration that you probably recognise. With yoga mantras, thoughts, and postures we try to nurture this to bring about a positive result; for us, for the world.
Writer Elif Shafak talks about Sufism and thinking with your heart.
Her Sufi quote "Knowledge that takes you not beyond yourself is far worse than ignorance" makes me think of the world of yoga that is expansive.
Yoga changes a person to reach beyond our self-concept, our limits of what we can achieve. It takes us beyond our own life.
The following extract from "The Forty Rules of Love," by Elif Shafak evokes an image of safety and protection.
"The world is erected upon the principle of reciprocity. Neither a drop of kindness or a speck of evil will be unreciprocated. Fear not the plots, deceptions or tricks of other people. If somebody is setting a trap, remember, so is God. He is the biggest plotter. Not even a leaf stirs outside God's knowledge. Simply and truly believe in that. Whatever God does, he does beautifully."
Here, the 'beyondness,' the knowledge that takes us beyond yourself is that there is a plan, a person is born with a soul plan. We may not know what it is unless we listen.
Change toute autour de nous en période d'incertitude alors que l'avenir est incertain qu'on doit s'interdire y penser presque - mettant votre confiance dans étant un plan global vivre fiducies à jour
live in trust
une stratégie du guérir, la conquête de la paix pour faire la paix, renouer avec l'humanité avec notre espoir, corp, et dès le début de cette aventure humaine à la source de l'existence:
Si nous surmontons notres peurs il y a un profond sentiment de bonté et pour la confiance.
So here we are with change all around us, in a period of great uncertainty for the future, it can be so worrying that we almost have to refrain from thinking of it at all. So why not place your trust in their being a plan ?
Live with a strategy for the victory of peace. To make peace, reconnect with humanity with our hopes that this is the beginning of a human adventure to the source of our existence. When we can do this we can overcome our fears and live in trust.
To know your own plan, begin to listen to the inner guide and heart, 'Tune in' to our plan. "To thine own self be true," we often hear.
This is not some 'wishy-washy' mumbo jumbo. Fears for the future can be very real.
As one friend said to me 'Intelligence without the connection to the heart is a dangerous thing'. But by meditating, we can listen also with our heart in order to make decisions that are not simply 'mental' but with a goal that includes other people. The inner plan is bigger than our mental life, our thoughts, our own will.
Maybe we all had our heart broken in 2017, personally or by world events. One simple restorative practice is "Meditation for Guidance". (en français en bas)
Believing in goodness (against all odds) comes from an action. We've seen this year how doing nothing is no longer an option. The future is in finding hope even by doing something small for someone else. Believing in the possibility of a different world comes along the way, by changing one part with your own positive vibration.
Yoga is something lived, you experience it by doing it. So is reaching out to our highest humanity by acting from the heart and the mind by being kind. Someone else said to me about recent world events: "This is like Samson, shaking the pillars of the temple, bringing it down on the Philistines."
For 2017 define what it is to be 'human,' by our actions. No need to sit and fear the chaos around. Instead, start this adventure to make the world one you want to live in, in peace. This is 'to reconnect with your humanity'
Every small act has a ripple effect that spreads outwards, whether it's giving someone a smile, caring about how someone else is doing, sending out a wish.
We don't see or understand everything that exists, we can sense some things but even then, tomorrow's not clear. Whether Marconi discovered radio or Chandra Bose, is not clear but now everybody knows about radio waves. After doing, we understand more what we couldn't see before.
At Plum Village Zen Buddhist community, Sister Chan Khong said on 24 Dec 2016 that they hold living in the present to be important because the present is the seed for the future, that is why you take your time with it.
Their teachings with the breath " I am aware of my inhale, I am aware of my exhale" is another way to listen for the answers inside yourself and trust them.
The Kundalini yoga organisation is Healthy, Happy, Holy (3ho),
here is their link to a Meditation for Guidance
Plum Village can best pass on their mindfulness teachings.
A direct link to Kriya for Guidance
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